Sunday, December 24, 2006
Sunday, September 24, 2006
37 Years
Monday, September 04, 2006
The Letting Go

Scattered and stalwart we march south. My husband is in Kentucky, teaching and slowly settling into our 75 year old rental house. I'm back at work waiting. Our youngest came home to smell the new carpet and touch the granite countertops, drive past the elementary school and say "good-bye." We have cried and hugged and hoped together. Marigold promises of a rainbow future.
Friday, August 04, 2006
The Rainbows Are Back

We had forgotten about the rainbows. They fascinated us when we first moved into this house eleven years ago. The windows with their beveled glass and leaded glass created magic on our walls and floors. Then, life grabbed us by the throat and for thousands of days we failed to notice the quiet and whimsical magic dancing through our lives. It was our sweet little granddaughter who called out with delight, "grandma! I have a rainbow!" that reminded us, surprising us, and catching us suddenly with a power that transported us back to before we let go and caused us, for a moment, to tearfully ponder the real blessings of this life journey.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Discounts and chaos
They gave me a 20% discount at the dry cleaners because my birthday is this month.
We packed a bazillion more boxes and then went to Caseys for brats. They were grilling Boar's Head hotdogs out front so we had lunch. Friends invited us to go out on Lake Michigan in their boat tonight but we have a very fun conflict, dinner with our neighbors from India.
We packed a bazillion more boxes and then went to Caseys for brats. They were grilling Boar's Head hotdogs out front so we had lunch. Friends invited us to go out on Lake Michigan in their boat tonight but we have a very fun conflict, dinner with our neighbors from India.
Friday, June 30, 2006
Brandy Cream
The interior of the house has been painted - navajo white and brandy cream. The new carpet is down. The granite, "verde butterfly," is exquisite. The pod has arrived and is 1/3 full. And, tomorrow is July . . . a great month for raspberry shakes and birthdays.
reading: Bad Dirt - Wyoming Stories 2 by Annie Proulx
reading: Bad Dirt - Wyoming Stories 2 by Annie Proulx
Saturday, June 24, 2006
brick wall
Still packing. Granite counter tops are in. Painter will paint the foyer, navajo white, on Monday and then the painting will be done. Carpet decision has me in a quandry. Dry wall guy here Monday.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
The "Steep Deck House"
Have been packing boxes since 6:30 this morning when the trash trucks awakened me and I dashed downstairs to salvage the boxes one son had decided to discard. I didn't trust him to not throw away something that should be kept I guess. I hit the front porch running only to be stopped by my husband, watering flowers, who said, "I already pulled the boxes." (Have we been married a long time or what?) And, sure enough, there sat the $50.00 collectible GI Joes from many Christmases ago. This in mind, I'm sure you can imagine how the "dejunking" segment of the move is going!
And, short note to family - we are not buying the "steep deck house." Sorry guys. Put away the trampoline and the slip and slide. That dang house has two basements for heaven's sake! NO. Because I said so.
And, short note to family - we are not buying the "steep deck house." Sorry guys. Put away the trampoline and the slip and slide. That dang house has two basements for heaven's sake! NO. Because I said so.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Bubble Wrap
It's official. We're moving! My husband has accepted an Endowed Chair at a University in Kentucky and he will be awesome. He is so smart and such a good teacher. I am very excited for him . . . and us. Our amazing but scattered family has been wonderful about it and I can't wait to gather them all together . . . and anchor us all once more in a new spot.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Almost a quarter century
Our youngest turns 20 today. This marks the end of 22 years of raising teenagers! Lots of memories - dare I even go there? Sky diving, things pierced, chocolate chip cookies, early morning seminary, summers in Utah, lacrosse, horseback riding, bike racing, softball, concerts, piano lessons, atari, raspberry shakes, helicopter rides over the Grand Canyon, speeding tickets, truck, tattoos, snowmen, ski trips. And laughter, tears, amazing accomplishments, courage, and miracles. What a blessed Mother's Day.
Friday, May 12, 2006
I bit the bullet and dragged my bones into the principal's office to request two days off without pay. I have not been "home" for two years. I get so conservative and focused. We settled our daughter back into school and hugged our very courageous son who has valiantly walked a lonely path back to a safer place. Met my new sister-in-law. I like her! Ate pineapple and ham pizza from Fredrico's (our first date almost 39 years ago) with family. Breathed in the mountains and the fresh dry air. Then returned to 16 supported ed students who still can't remember to bring a pencil to class and have no idea what they did with their outlines for their career speeches. And rain. And a sore throat. But then, the return of son 2 from his first year of law school, the arrival of his cute girlfriend and . . . Chris getting bumped off IDOL! ! ! !
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Feeding the Soul
For us, we were wild and crazy. Since Saturday is the one chance we have to organize our lives for the next week it was so not like us to take off for lunch at Grand Lux Cafe in Chicago where we indulged in my favorite - Asian Nachos! The median down Michagan Ave. was startingly gorgeous boasting mostly yellow and red tulips. Sorry I didn't take the camera. We even paused on the corner of Michigan Ave to "absorb the corner" - the perfect air, the sunshine, the tulips, the people, the morning, each other. One more detour to ride the ferris wheel at Navy Pier. One more weekend before Em leaves for school. I'll miss her so much. We ended the day, Em and I, dressed in silly hats and out in the not-quite-chilly night to spy on dad through the window near the deck, got caught, punctuating the night with screams and giggles.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Lindt Raspberry Swiss Milk Chocolate
Conference weekend is my favorite weekend. I like it better than Christmas.
I just ate a whole Lindt Raspberry Milk chocolate bar. I have yellow and white baby yarn for a new afghan. I love to crochet. Life is good.
I just ate a whole Lindt Raspberry Milk chocolate bar. I have yellow and white baby yarn for a new afghan. I love to crochet. Life is good.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Too many gloomy days
hover over endless thoughts
of how much longer
we can tread in this thirsty ocean.
Tiny bouyant bubbles of hope
glisten as we fill our lungs
only to burst mid-breath.
We are determined
to ride this storm.
Frozen pioneers walk beside us-
somewhere in our ancestral blood
sacrifice-strangled gasping souls
anchor us to eternity,
wrest free and tremble
valiantly bearing victory
as a curse, devouring death.
Perhaps the storm will pass
and allow us to curl up on the
sundrenched porch
breathing deeply
for the quiet rain
to begin
hover over endless thoughts
of how much longer
we can tread in this thirsty ocean.
Tiny bouyant bubbles of hope
glisten as we fill our lungs
only to burst mid-breath.
We are determined
to ride this storm.
Frozen pioneers walk beside us-
somewhere in our ancestral blood
sacrifice-strangled gasping souls
anchor us to eternity,
wrest free and tremble
valiantly bearing victory
as a curse, devouring death.
Perhaps the storm will pass
and allow us to curl up on the
sundrenched porch
breathing deeply
for the quiet rain
to begin
I stand in the sodden prairie
frozen mud enveloping
my numb feet.
tear stained
I announce to heaven
I can no longer stand erect nor
trudge through this weary life
for I am bent
and broken
I am empty.
I shiver in the silence,
then gather the pieces of my self
Like shattered glass
and press them
to my suffering breast
then sighing,
I stand in the sodden prairie
frozen mud enveloping
my numb feet.
tear stained
I announce to heaven
I can no longer stand erect nor
trudge through this weary life
for I am bent
and broken
I am empty.
I shiver in the silence,
then gather the pieces of my self
Like shattered glass
and press them
to my suffering breast
then sighing,
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Brussel Sprouts
I would choose brussel sprouts over Tuescher chocolates and hot fudge sundaes. Last week we had roasted brussel sprouts and butternut squash with rosotto. What a happy meal. It's like standing on the hot cement barefoot in the summer and looking at the mountains that really aren't very far away or sleeping at the cabin at the lake with the window open.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
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