We have made a dream come true. It was a sacred moment when Burke and I stood on the deck of our cabin at Bear Lake and in humble voices whispered, "We did it." For probably 35 years we have owned 1/4 acre of sagebrush and rocks above that cold-in-August lake. We have planned and talked and come close so many times. And then, Spring of 2011, Burke said the holy words, "You own a cabin at Bear Lake." A birthday present for my 62nd birthday. Suddenly, we had an anchor, a place to gather, a place to put dreams and laughter and ourselves. We absorbed a summer of "Who Shot Jaunito Bandito" at the Pickelville Playhouse, raspberry shakes, bird feeders and swallows and a glorious night sky. In winter we set up the telescope, built snowmen, went skiing, snowboarding, sledding, watched movies, played "BANG," built a Pirates of the Caribbean ship with Legos and spent a quiet day curled up reading THE BOBBSEY TWINS AT SNOW LODGE. I am mindful of great grand parents resting in peace in Paris and Dingle. Grandpa's little store still stands on the corner. The past hums me to sleep and the lake blesses my mornings. I glory in hollyhocks and peonies. It is a feast for my soul and I am grateful.